Berrel Krautler Architekten

Berrel Krautler Architekten

10 - 50 employees

We laid the founda­tion for our future collab­ora­tion more than 20 years ago, in September of 1998, on our very first day as students at the ETH Zürich — with the joint design of a bridge. Both of us had just arrived from abroad, bring­ing influen­ces and ideas that comple­mented one another recip­ro­cally, Maurice from Australia, where he had earned his BA in Newcastle, Raphael from the Technical University in Innsbruck.

Our start in profes­sional life was fairly spec­tac­ular: that very first year, we won competi­tions for a Mountain Lodge in California, and for the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts in Lausanne. In 2009, we joined forces with Jürg Berrel, Maurice’s father, who had run his own office in Basel since 1968. As Berrel Berrel Kräutler, we were able to complete numer­ous projects during the ensuing 10 years, among them a school­house in Vouvry, a fire station in Pratteln, the exten­sion of the AHV build­ing in Geneva, and the conver­sion of St. Jakobshalle in Basel.
Since 2019, we have been increas­ingly appear­ing again as Berrel Kräutler Architekten.

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